Civil Pro version 9 – Alpha v9.30.1.8 released

The civil pro alpha (version has been released to testing partners. We currently have 3 companies working with us, but if you are an existing licensed user and would like to participate, please contact us. Please note, that any databases updated to version 9 are permanent and cannot be reverted.

Changelog from previous alpha versions;

  • BUGFIX: Daycosts can now have an empty docket field
  • When resource changed in daycosts, unit, resourcetype, rate are no longer nulled. Now retain existing values
  • Added new daycost summary column in daycost report periods
  • Invoice supplier is now editable in invoice register
  • Default ordering in claims fixed on open
  • Prevented drag and drop in schedule when not in default order
  • Updates to colouring for variable rate and overhead + combination thereof in schedule and claim
  • Reduced opening time for first claim in a project by null test to previous version
  • Update import from previous claims dialog to remove select/unselect all
  • Changed definition of adjDate in snapshot to be latest of conf/guar/open date or lotquantity moddate
  • NCRs updated for consistency to change old Diposition references to Corrective Action references
  • Changes to progress claim creation dialogs to replace claimdate with periodend (claimdate is now in claim versions)
  • Logic changes in which options can be selected in new claim / new snapshot
  • Update to progress claim popup to add additional columns and fix prebaked views
  • Removed old snapshot dialog and reused popUpdateClaimSchedule
  • Worked on progressclaimcontroller functions to improve wait forms
  • Worked on progressclaimcontroller rebuild function to retain all quantities, not just QTD


Civil Pro version 9 – Alpha v9.30.1.5 released