Cost, production and forecasting

There are numerous accounting software packages and enterprise resource planning applications for managing invoices and payments, but by the time you receive and process invoices your data is at least a month old (and probably longer). When you do receive invoices for plant hire, labour and regular material deliveries – reconciliation is often manual and disconnected to the remainder of the project management process. Once the invoicing is complete, companies will then often feed this information into some form of end of month reporting system (which may or may not include estimating the final position of the project). These processes are too often poorly defined and developed using tools like Microsoft Excel from disparate data sources.

As a result, they are prone to errors and rarely consistent. Civil Pro provides an easy-to-use yet powerful reporting and forecasting capacity that integrates the progress claim, daily cost and production records.

Keep on top of your performance – daily

Civil Pro allows engineers to record their resources daily, and to add estimated or actual production figures to determine the cost per unit of production. All costs are recorded against Cost Codes which can be linked to one or more Schedule Items (or parts thereof), and thus Civil Pro’s Progress Claim. Linking to the Progress Claim allows end of month comparison of earned direct cost without entering any additional data.

Use your daily cost data to verify invoices

Civil Pro makes it easy to organise daily costs (and productions) by supplier, date or resource type. When your invoice arrives you can easily annotate one or more entries in the daily cost with the invoice number for later reference and an audit trail.

Create complete end of month reports and project forecasts

The biggest problems with generating such reports are that most business systems need to pull data from many sources, compiling the required information is overly complex and there is significant double entry of data. For example, it is not uncommon to have original resource usage recorded on dockets and time sheets, progress claims generated in Excel, invoices recorded in the central ERP or accounting software, details on budgets locked away in the estimating software, the project construction schedule in MS Project and over it all, a spreadsheet which tries to make sense of it. This is an inefficient use of time and resources.

Civil Pro doesn’t try to replicate what plenty of other systems already do. We integrate all of the sources of information, fill in the gaps and create easy to use interfaces to tie it all together.

For example, when you successfully procure new work, you need a copy of the Schedule for making Progress Claims, creating forecasts and tracking quantities for payment. With Civil Pro you can easily import the Schedule directly from your estimate (including the direct job cost rate – not just the sell rate), and it is available for all these purposes. Then when you create a Progress Claim, you can pull all of your agreed (or otherwise) Quantities directly from Civil Pro’s Quality Assurance records – or alternately if you don’t track them, directly enter the Quantities into the Claim.

If you use our Daily Cost and Production module, you already have an estimate of all of (or if you prefer a subset of) your costs. Use these to validate the invoices and identify where accruals are required. If  you don’t track daily costs, you can still use the forecast module by entering the summary values into your forecast. You then have all of the information for a project status report.

Add a small amount of additional data and you also have the forecast.

Powerful yet simple

Our cost management system supports over/under claim, accrual, forecast quantity at completion and estimation of completion date for individual Cost Codes – yet all of this can be simplified by default and just tweaked when it is needed.

Informative reports

Reporting includes current position, forecast position and forecast cashflow. As with all Civil Pro registers, you can arrange your data grid however you want – then either print it or export it for further editing.