Area Codes

An Area Code is an alphanumeric identifier (maximum 4 characters) which describes different areas of the project. These should be a useful abbreviation such as:

  • MCSB – Main Carriageway Southbound
  • DL13 – Drainage Line 13
  • BRRL – Bridge over River Lane

The Area Codes are defined in the Area Code Register. As there are only 2 fields in the Area Code Register (the Area Code and a description), the register consists only of the grid. There is no Detail Panel or Related Items Panel.

Adding, updating and deleting

To add or edit a record, Enable Editing and add or update the data directly into the grid. Alternatively, records can be imported from and exported to CSV files. Refer to the Importing Data help topic.

To delete a record, select it in the Register Grid, and press the delete key. Editing must be enabled to delete a record.