Cross-Project Settings (V11)

The System Settings define several system wide parameters used by your Civil Pro database such as;

  • the System Logo – this is the default logo used for all projects in the system. This can be overridden for individual projects using the equivalent project setting
  • Email size limits
  • Cost Control settings – settings for the cost management system, mainly purchase orders. This can be overridden for individual projects using the equivalent project setting

The cross-project settings are accessed from the Application Menu under System=>Settings=>Cross-Project Settings. This function requires System Administrator permissions.

  • To set the logo, click on the Get Logo button to the right of the image preview box (where the blue sky logo is in the screenshot). Select your file.
  • To clear the logo, click on the Clear Logo button.

Cost control

The cost control system settings provide data to the cost management system, predominantly the purchase orders. There are 3  tabs covering cost control settings:

  1. Purchasing
  2. Daycost/Invoice
  3. Claim

NOTE: All information set at the server level for cost control can be overridden by setting the equivalent project setting


  • Custom PO number string – setting this changes the way Civil Pro creates its purchase order numbers.
    • By default, Civil Pro will create purchase numbers using the Contractor’s Project Number (see Project Administration) and an index. Only the first 5 characters of the Project Number are included, along with an index padded to 5 characters. If the project does not have a contractors project number, only the index is used with a prefix  of “PO “.
    • The order number can be customized using the following codes;
      • #CPN(x) where x is the number of characters from the order number to include
      • #POI(x)
    • For example for contract TMR1, purchase order # 423 would be;
      • using the default code for a project for which the contractor project number is set #CPN(5)-#POI(5) => TMR1-00423
      • using the default where the contractor project number is not set  PO #POI(5) => PO-00423
      • a code such as MYPO #POI(3) => MYPO 423
  • GST Rate – this is the standard rate applied to all purchases. It can be changed for individual items if GST (or other taxes) do not apply
  • Default Payment Terms – the payment terms included with all purchase orders
  • Billing Entity – the organization / person / company to which invoices will be made for goods on purchase orders
  • Billing Address – the address for the billing organization
  • PO Terms and Conditions – the text in this field is added to the end of every purchase order when printed as a report. This is rich (formatted) text.

Daycost/Invoice & Claims