Civil Pro Version 8.10.68 released

Civil Pro Version 8.10.68 has been released. This is a minor update to 8.10.67, 8.10.658.10.64 or 8.10.62, and a major update to older versions. Refer to updating Civil Pro

This version fixes some minor bugs.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed logwriter to create log in app data
  • In server settings, the “test” button now commits the current settings before testing
  • Default Credentials checkbox now works correctly in server settings
  • Emails – validation of recipients fixed

Civil Pro Version 8.10.67 released

Civil Pro Version 8.10.67 has been released. This is a minor update to 8.10.658.10.64 or 8.10.62, and a major update to older versions. Refer to updating Civil Pro

This version fixes some minor bugs, improves the photo register’s memory management to prevent exceptions with large images and adds several small usability tweaks.

Changes and Improvements

  • Photo register handles large images without out-of-memory exceptions
  • Emails sent within the SMTP system in civil pro are now CC to the sender by default
  • Specification details (ITP details) can now be exported to report from the grid to make exporting to excel easier and better formatted
  • Number formatting of lot quantities in schedule and progress claim changed to include thousands separator
  • Text of test email in SMTP settings changed to reduce confusion
  • Quantities for open lots now shown in full for snapshots regardless of split date

Bug Fixes

  • deleting a license no longer faults when checking sundry license locations
  • bulk import of photos now correctly sets the source filename
  • Exception when creating a test request with no date required fixed