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Related Items


Most relationships shown in the Related Items can be deleted by selecting them and pressing the delete key. Items that cannot be deleted this way are things like the test requests in the Lot Register where doing so would mean deleting an entire Test req. as the Lot Number is a property of the request itself.


Register Entries


Most items shown in a register grid or its sub-grids can be deleted after enabling editing in the grid context menu. Simply select the records to delete and press the delete key.


Editor Values / Clearing Editors


Sometimes you enter values in editors (like drop downs and text boxes) that you don't want. If you haven't moved away from the cell, you can usually undo the entry by using the escape key. If you need to go back and remove an entry, press ctrl+delete (please note any popup editors must be closed). This will change the value in the editor to NOTHING (or null in computer speak). It is important to understand that just because an editor does not display a value, it does not necessarily mean it contains nothing - it may be what is called an empty string or a white space. This is rarely a problem but if you are getting an error suggesting a value exists where you can't see one, and don't want one - just use ctrl+delete to clear it completely.


Cancelling Edits


To cancel an edit, press the escape key.