Accessing menus

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Civil pro has several different menus, some of which are "context" menus, meaning their content is different depending on what you are viewing and where you click. To make civil pro as simple to use and uncluttered as possible, we have implemented a range of different menu types which will become second nature to use after only a short while.


The menus are;


1.Main Menu - Found at the left of your screen once start civil pro, this is where you choose what information you want to view and update. Each type of view (or form) is contained within one of the panels, Quality Assurance, Payment, Specifications and conformance etc. Each of the panels () can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on the arrow. To access a form, click on the text or icon representing it.
2.Header context menu - This menu allows you to change sorting, group and show/hide different columns on the grid. It is accessed by right clicking on the column heading of any grid (the grey bar at the top of the lot register below).
3.Grid context menu - This provides access to a menu which is specific to the current data shown in the grid. For example below functions for Guaranteeing and Conforming lots are relevant only to the lot register and are not shown on other pages. It is accessed by right clicking anywhere on the grid. Please note that sub-grids have their own context menus which can be quite different to the main grid's context menu.
4.Detail context menu - The detail context menu provides access to a menu specific to the detail for an individual record. It is accessed by right clicking on the detail area.
5.Footer Menu - The footer menu is a quickly accessed menu at the bottom of the page for commonly used operations. This menu can include sub-menus (such as the report menu shown below), buttons - such as the New Lot button and even drop down boxes.
6.System Menu - This is the main menu at the top of the page (below with headings Project and Users). These menus are accessed by left click and operate like standard menus in any other windows program.

