Customizing and printing progress claims

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Changing the detail of Lot Quantity Reporting - Split Date


Generally you won't want to see every lot quantity for the entirety of your project. Civil pro allows you to summarize lot quantities prior to a certain date into a single line. To set the split date, update the "Split Date" text box at the bottom of the Progress Claim Detail panel. These changes will be reflected in progress claim reports.


Changing what status of Lot Quantities are included in the Claim


By default all Lot Quantities are shown and included when the "Claim=Snapshot" function. To change the visible Lot Quantities, use the Progress Claim Detail context menu items under "Status to Show". Those items selected will be displayed and also included when the "Claim=Snapshot" function is used.


Reflecting changes to schedule items


If your schedule changes (maybe you added some schedule items for variations), you can update the progress claim detail by selecting the progress claim and using the "Rebuild Claim" function from the context menu.


Printing your progress claims


To print your progress claim, or compare it to a previous progress claim, select the appropriate report from the Reports option at the bottom of the Progress Claim form.


If you need to create a report showing the quantities supporting your progress claim, select the "Print Snapshot Quantities" report.