The Variation Register is used to create a register of changes to the contract, usually impacting on payment. Each variation can be connected lots, schedule items and photos.


The Variation register is accessed from the Main Menu and consists of the main grid, related items panel and detail panel. New Variations are created using the New Variation wizard - accessed from the New Variation button in the bottom left of the page. Changing the selected item in the Variation Register will change the list of related items. To see the image preview page (hidden by default) double click on a Variation or select the Show Preview Panel option from the context menu (right click the grid).



Fig 1. The Photo Register showing the preview panel


Variation Records


A Variation record consists of;

Variation No

A unique identifier for each variation

Description *

A description of the variation

Client Ref

An optional field to store an alternative reference such as one used by the client

Date Identified

The date the variation was identified

Date Notified

The date the variation was notified to the client

Date Approved

The date the variation was approved by the client

Variation Status

The current status of the variation - available values are in the Variation Status Register

EOT Days

The number of days EOT related to this VRN

Raised By

Who raised or is responsible for this VRN


Comments regarding the variation


Adding New Variations

New variations are added using the New Variation Wizard

Relationships with other civil pro data are viewed and managed using the Related Items panel


Creating payment items for variations

Once a variation is approved (or perhaps before) you will want to create a payment item for the variation. To do this, select the variation and from the context menu (right click on the grid) select the New Schedule from VRN option. Complete the information (Fig 2) regarding rates, units and quantities and click create. A new schedule item is added to your schedule items register and a link to the schedule item is created in the variation.


You will probably want to review your schedule items if you have structures you wish to maintain as the new schedule item will just be placed at the root level after the last schedule item.



Fig 2. Creating a schedule item from a variation