Exporting data

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Data can be exported from a number of registers including the work type register, area code register, test methods register and schedule Item register, or from the project as a whole. Data is saved in one of three types of file;


1.csv - a table like format that can be read by excel.
2.cpx - a civil pro export file used to store hierarchical data for importing into other civil pro project. While these files are an XML format, they are not easily read by other programs, but it is possible for a relatively skilled user to extract the information using programs such as excel.
3.cdb - civil pro database - used for copies of entire civil pro databases that can be used for backup or as templates. You can copy to and from templates by using the "Transfer project data" option.


Where a register can be exported, the option is accessed from the grid context menu.


Data can also be exported from all reports in excel, pdf, html, text and other formats - as well as email.