Civil Pro Version 8.10.65 released

Civil Pro Version 8.10.65 has been released. This is a minor update to 8.10.64 or 8.10.62, and a major update to older versions. Refer to updating Civil Pro

This version fixes some minor bugs, makes minor changes to the Specifications interface (ITPs), and streamlines the Progress Claim process to automate snapshot management.

Changes and Improvements

  • progress claim wizard now integrates options to create the snapshot and set qties – refer updated support topic for progress claims.
  • ITP/QVC view change now displayed at top of ITP for quick access
  • photo register image manipulation (rotate/zoom etc) rewritten. rotate now automatically saved
  • ITP testing now in its own popup form – double click to show
  • New icons added to ITP detail menus and popup screens
  • Updated lots of references in menus from ITP to specification for consistency and clarity

Bug Fixes

  • changing test method deleted row in ITP test methods – fixed
  • closing project now closes any floating windows too

Civil Pro Version 8.10.64 released

Civil Pro Version 8.10.64 has been released. This is aminor update to 8.10.62, or a major update to older versions. Refer to updating Civil Pro

This version fixes some minor bugs and introduces project options to replace what used to be called Constants.

Changes and Improvements

  • constants have been replaced with Project options. These are used to customise individual project including for lot number definition and primary tags. You do not need to change any of these settings if they already exist. Civil pro will do this for you.
  • fixed opening position of popups to be center of screen
  • added show related items context menu option to roles
  • added Email Test in SMTP settings
  • lock function now toggles text to unlock in schedule item register

Bug Fixes

  • changed project constants to project options and moved to the program menu.
  • changed role permissions to only sysadmins
  • fixed lot numbering to deal with empty custom lot number
  • fixed error in Email form where null attachment in einf
  • fixed error with duplicate indexes – changed to update object rather than GUI – commit upon change
  • schedule items child update on row change
  • updated project delete to remove objects in new tables – costforecast tagcode, approvals etc.
  • add events to gridcolumn to create totals for Value columns in lot register and ncr register when pre-baked views are used
  • changed colour of requested NCRs to alpha=60
  • fix root cause string being empty when project options accessed, but no string saved
  • add text for date filter on register menu for lots

Civil Pro Version 8.10.62

Civil Pro Version 8.10.62 has been released. This is a major update requiring an update to your database (see Updating Civil Pro)

This version brings in a stack of changes, updates and new features

New Features

Changes and Improvements

  • Custom lot numbers are now easier to create and more flexible with the addition of Primary Tags
  • New checklist reports to support electronic completion of checklists using mobile or desktop platforms and approval request system
  • Complete rewrite of the reporting module to improve output layout and performance
  • Printing large numbers of records could take a long time due to queries to update each record and associated data. This has been changed to use the current data – a manual update can be triggered by using the refresh button prior to printing
  • Project transfer wizard updated to account for new database schema
  • User email now a compulsory field in user registration
  • Improvements to the cost and production module – new reports, forecasting etc.

Bug Fixes

  • In some situations adding a work type by double click could result in duplicate relationships
  • Changed focusedrowevent to improve updating of related item lists and ensure related items are updated on grid filter and search
  • Rewrite functions for translation of claim tree to report for faster rendering
  • Fixed fringe case denying access (hasadminforproject error)
  • Fixed lot qty report error in GeometryString
  • Radio groups removed from Test Request report
  • Text on import of resources module corrected
  • Cascade delete added to testrequest, user collections and cost forecast
  • Schedule tree code changed to improve multi drag and drop performance

Autoversion your SPA index.html

The curse of the cache

If you are in an ongoing development stage with a mobile application, you will often come across issues with your customers browser cache. Even if everyone was aware that your site actually works and just needs a hard reset – it isnt always possible. Take for example an Android js/html app launched as a Homescreen App. It seems the only way to force these things to update all of their files is to empty the entire chrome cache.

This is especially a problem when you have a data driven app retrieving its data from something like an odata dataservice. You can update the data service (for example – add a parameter to a get service) and it works perfectly with your front end as the current version. Then someone with a cached version of the client app tries to access the service and it breaks. Not a good look.

On the other hand, the cache exists for a reason. It makes your application far more responsive and reduces the traffic significantly. So, while we want to maintain the cache, we want to flag to the browser when an individual file for the application has changed. If only there was a way…

Forcing a reload

Well, there is. You can add a version to each file retrieved from the server. If the file version number changes, then the browser will get the new version and not use the cache. The easiest way to do this is to specify the version as a query string. To force a refresh, change the version number.

Instead of

<script src=”views/LogOnPopup.js” type=”text/javascript”> </script>


<script src=”views/LogOnPopup.js?v=3″ type=”text/javascript”> </script>

In the case of an SPA in pure JS/HTML, this is made relatively easy because all the files are identified in the index.html. This is the case I will deal with here. If you are dealing with dynamically generated pages using something like (or heaven forbid php), you will need more exotic solutions than presented here – things like rewrite rules etc. Beyond the scope.

There is a whole stack about this at A lot of reading, but it helped me figure out a neat solution.

Versioning your index.html

So, if you have a decent sized SPA, you don’t want to be manually versioning your files. It is a PITA, and you will inevitably stuff it up. One solution (as outlined here) is to automagically add the date each file was last modified as the query string as part of the deployment process.

The following code uses c# and HTML Agility Pack (get it from nuget) to parse an index.html file and save it as a new file. I wrote a little windows app that has a GUI – download it here

The guts of the code looks like this;

       private void ParseIndex(string inFile, string addPath, string outFile)
            string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(inFile);
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument document = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
            foreach (HtmlNode link in document.DocumentNode.Descendants("script"))
                if (link.Attributes["src"]!=null)
                    resetQueryString(path, addPath, link, "src");
            foreach (HtmlNode link in document.DocumentNode.Descendants("link"))
                if (link.Attributes["href"] != null && link.Attributes["type"] != null)
                    if (link.Attributes["type"].Value == "text/css" || link.Attributes["type"].Value == "text/html")
                        resetQueryString(path, addPath, link, "href");
            MessageBox.Show("Your file has been processed.", "Autoversion complete");

        private void resetQueryString(string path, string addPath, HtmlNode link, string attrType)
            string currFileName = link.Attributes[attrType].Value;

            string uripath = currFileName;
            if (currFileName.Contains('?')) uripath = currFileName.Substring(0, currFileName.IndexOf('?'));
            string baseFile = Path.Combine(path, uripath);
            if (!File.Exists(baseFile)) baseFile = Path.Combine(addPath, uripath);
            if (!File.Exists(baseFile)) return;
            DateTime lastModified = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(baseFile);
            link.Attributes[attrType].Value = uripath + "?v=" + lastModified.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmm");


The addPath parameter is an additional root path to search for each file in the index on to get its modified date. This is because in my solution I have two projects that are compiled into one. The index.html assumes they are both in the current (which they are when compiled), but at development they are not.