The non conformance report register (NCR register) is used to record products or processes that are not completed in accordance with the project specifications. Recording non-conformances, how the non-conformances are resolved and methods for preventing reoccurrence are central to any project and indeed any business.


The NCR register is accessed from the main menu and consists of the main grid, related items panel and detail panel. Changing the selected item in the grid will change the list of related items and the record shown in the detail pane (if visible). To see the NCR detail page (hidden by default) double click on an NCR or select the "show NCR detail" option from the context menu (right click the grid).


New NCRs are created using the NCR wizard - accessed from the "New NCR" button in the bottom left of the page.



Fig 1. The Non Conformance Report Register


NCR records


A NCR record consists of;

A description of the issue
How it will be fixed or otherwise managed
What lots this affects
Close out


The full list of information that can be recorded against an NCR is;


NCR No. *

A sequential number for each project - generated automatically by civil pro

Description *

A description of the non-conformance


Where the non-conformance is located

Corrective action

How will the non-conformance be resolved?

Preventative action

What steps will be taken to prevent reoccurrence?

Action type

An item in the preset list of the course of action adopted - includes retest, reject, repair/rectify, use as is, replace/reconstruct or other (refer to disposition)

Raised by *

The person who identified the NCR

Date raised *

The date the NCR was raised

Related parties

Any third parties associate with the NCR - i.e. subcontractors or suppliers

3rd party approval req'd

Is third party approval - say by the client - required


How severe is the NCR - is it only incidental or is its impact only minor, or is it major.

Approved by

Who has approved the disposition and agreed that the proposed actions will resolve the non-conformance

Date approved

The date approval was granted

Approval remarks

Any comments or conditions relating to the approval

Closed out by

Who has checked that the steps outlined in the disposition were completed

Date closed out

When was successful completion of actions for this NCR verified

Closeout remarks

Any comments on the Close Out process

Root Cause

What was the key contributor to the NCR. By default the options are Not Specified,Personnel or Training,Materials,Methods or Process, Machinery or Plant,Environmental or Conditions but can be customized by setting the appropriate constant

NCR Cost

The cost of rectifying the NCR. These differ from the fields visible in the grid under the Values view (refer below) which show the value of work attributed to lots linked to the NCR. The cost is not displayed on the NCR.


Any general text relating to this NCR



There are different columns you may want to see in the register to those presented by default. Civil pro allows you to easily change between a set of pre-defined view using options in the grid context menu. The available views are;



Displays the default register - NCR number, description, disposition, date raised and status


Shows the standard view with additional columns for lot value and lot reduced payment value


Shows the NCR no, description, approval remarks, approved by, date approved and status columns

Close out

Shows the NCR no, description, close out remarks, closed out by, date closed out and status columns


Shows the NCR no, description, severity and action type


Additional Properties

Civil pro also calculates some additional properties from the NCR's properties and related items. These properties can be shown in the grid (and therefore a printed report) by selecting the value view from the context menu or by accessing the grid header context menu (right click on the grey column headers) and selecting the "Column chooser". Additional properties are;


Lot value

The value of lots associated with this NCR

Reduced payment value

The value of reduced payments applied to a lot.


Additional Properties

The NCR register can be filtered by lot by selecting a lot from the drop down list present in the NCR grid context menu.