Common grid functions

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There are a number of functions common to most (but not all) grid based displays in civil pro which are accessible from the context menu (right clicking on main part of the grid). This section of the help describes their function.


Enable editing
Grid options
oRow autofit
oExpand all
oShow grouped columns
Show detail
Show related items


Enable editing

When you open a register it is not enabled for editing, adding or deleting (unless you have enabled editing by default). If you have the appropriate permissions you can enable editing, adding and deleting by selecting the Enable Editing function from the grid context menu, or using a similar button in the bottom menu. If a grid has child grids (a hierarchy where a row can be expanded to show more data) then editing for these is controlled by the editing settings for the parent grid.


The reason for this is that it is all too easy to accidentally overwrite information and we think an extra couple of mouse clicks is little pain compared to the likely errors that can otherwise arise. You can set the editing status of all grids to editable as they are opened using the option in the main Project menu at the top of the screen.


Grid options

Row Autofit

When selected, allows the row height to automatically adjust so that columns with long data wraps in the cell. When not selected, rows are one line high and text does not wrap.

Expand All

When a grid has a sub-grid, or is grouped this function toggles whether all of the data is expanded or collapsed.

Show Grouped Columns

When a grid is grouped by one or more columns you can use this option to choose whether the grouping column is also shown in the grid display.


Show detail, Show related items

If the detail pane or related item pane has been hidden or closed, this will make them visible again.