Related items

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The related items panel allows users to quickly see the tests, test properties and documents recorded against each Test Request.



Fig 1. The test request related items


Tests and Test Properties

Test request tests and properties cannot be added or edited using the related items panel. The only functionality available from the related items for these records, is deletion of test properties. To delete test properties, select them and click delete.


Test request tests and properties can be added, edited and deleted using the test request tests panel and test properties panel. These are accessed by selecting them from the grid context menu (accessed by right clicking the grid.)




You can attach documents of any kind to a lot - including spreadsheets, word documents, pdfs or images. Related documents are shown in the related items panel under the heading "Documents". Before adding an documents (or photos) you must have the project file path set up. Refer to the topic Project administration. Any documents added to a test request are also shown as related documents for the lot referenced by the test request.


Test request documents are managed exactly the same way as Lot Documents. For more information refer to the topic Lot Documents.