Civil Pro Release 8.8.51

Civil Pro Release 8.8.51 is now available.

IMPORTANT: If you have any version lower than 8.8.45 this version will make changes to your database if. If you are using a central database then all users will need to update to this version of Civil Pro.

This release is available from the normal download link in the notification email. It is best practice to remove all versions of civil pro prior to installation of a new version. With previous versions of civil pro, not doing so could create problems. With this version we believe such issues should not be a problem, but recommend a complete uninstall first anyway.

Updated manual is available from

New Features

  • The cost vs. production module has been added. This is an alpha release and is not ready to be used in anger, but try it out and provide your feedback.
  • Created new constants qvcVerBy, qvcAppBy, qvcChkBy which when set change the headings on the QVCs allowing users to specify the responsible party for each stage.
  • Added column to the lot grid which is marked if a lot has documents attached. Not visible by default, select using the column chooser from the column header context menu.


  • Updated manual available at
  • Improved delete for schedule items and lots. Civil Pro now automatically detects related test requests when deleting lots and sets their referenced lot to null, allowing the lot to be deleted independently of the test request. Similarly for deletion of schedule items.
  • Schedule items can now be added from the variation register.

Bug Fixes

  • The ‘Conform selected’ and ‘Guarantee selected’ functions did not work as expected when the lot register was sorted by a date or a filter was applied. This is now fixed and these functions are independent of sorting and filtering.
  • Schedule Items were not committed to the database prior to loss of focus (i.e. printing a report). This is now fixed.
  • Username column (hidden by default) in user register did not display data. This is now fixed.
  • Edit Lot Number function in the lot register failed in fringe cases. This is now fixed.