Introducing Custom Approval Statuses

With version 51 we announce custom approval statuses for witness and hold points. This allows individual projects to replace the standard list of statuses with a custom list for either hold points, witness points or both. This is a direct substitution, with the underlying meaning of the status at each position retaining the same.

This may be used where a client is adamant (for example) that they don’t approve hold points, they release them, or that they need to be able to specify when a witness point was approved because they opted not to inspect it. While it may be semantics, now you do not even have to point this out.

As an example, you could specify a custom setting for witness points as Approved,Conditionally Approved,Not Approved,CAR Required,Requested,Manually Approved,Not Inspected (Approved). The default list is equivalent to a setting of Approved,Conditionally Approved,Not Approved,NCR Required,Requested,Manually Approved,Other Approval – so the result will be;

  • the NCR Required status with CAR Required
  • the Other Approval status with Not Inspected (Approved)

For more details, refer to the Project settings help topic.

Civil pro version – release date 5/4/19

Civil pro version will be released 5/4/19 for selected users. For those on version 10, this will be an automatic update if you are using the web installer by the 12/4/19.

As any databases updated to version 10 are permanent, cannot be reverted and are not compatible with version 9, the update is on a different update path and auto updating will not occur between major versions 9 and 10. All subscribers are entitled to version 10 free of charge, just email us for the new download.

Changelog from previous version

New features

  • Statistics in the dashboard now support pre-opening of lots. This is enabled as default using the project setting (under QA Control tab) – Use Date Work Started to identify prestart lots, or the option can be activated in the dashboard options panel
    • Lots without a Date Started can be separated out
    • In the lot register, a new option Activate is added to the context (right click) menu Lot Status. This allows the user to assign all selected lots a Date Work Started in bulk.
    • The lot register has a new standard view (Views => Pre opened lots). This is only visible when the Use Date Work Started to identify prestart lots option is selected
  • A new tab has been added to the dashboard showing approvals statistics. This can be filtered using the options to show stats for witness points or hold points only.
  • New project options have been added allowing users to override the default statuses for approvals. For example, you could replace “Approved” with “Validated” or “Not Approved” with “Rejected”. Statuses can be overridden independently for hold points and witness points.


  • Added NCR delete function to correctly set referenced documents and delete links.
  • Contract Notice and Contract Notice Response now add the CN report (Elec) as an attachment.
  • Quantities fields have had their scale and precision increase from 19,4 to 28,12 – i.e. decimals increased from 4 to 12. This allows the assignment of quantities to provide cents accuracy for amounts over $100M for individual items
  • Variation Estimate now updates total instead of rate when qty is changed
  • Clause column in ITP changed to mem instead of text – supports multiple lines
  • Site Diary cost code property changed to method to increase performance.
  • ITP import/export now includes ID to support exporting ITP to csv for editing and re-import to update. For use where stakeholder editing ITP does not have Civil Pro.
  • Added Contract Notice date to templates
  • Reorganised project settings page for improved clarity
  • Approval subject filter now shows text instead of HTML tags for subject
  • SiteDiaryId now shown on Instruction and Incident when used.


  • BUGFIX: When updating the approval  comments for an NCR that has an Approval Request, the comments were not updated
  • BUGFIX: Last page break when printing multiple checklists reports was ignored
  • BUGFIX: Titles for checklists after the first were not updated in checklist reports
  • BUGFIX: Purchase order fields were not correctly updated when pre-fill link used for e.g. billing entity, contact and billing address
  • BUGFIX: Null check for supplier